Breastfeeding Educational PDFs - Evidence-Based Babies
breast feeding

See our PDF's below

Expressed breastmilk and feeding the breastfed baby

This booklet contains all the
information a caregiver needs in

regards to the storage of breastmilk

and feeding the breastfed baby

Breastfeeding after birth

This pdf booklet contains all the information a
breastfeeding parent and their healthcare

providers should know to help support the

breastfeeding parent..

Bedsharing and Breastfeeding

Bedsharing is very common and often unplanned. Parents may bedshare because babies feed frequently at night.
The information in this handout is intended for breastfeeding mothers. Bedsharing may be risky if your baby has never been fed at the breast.

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breast feeding


    Please take note that all of the information provided on this website is for educational purposes only.

    We take every effort to ensure that we stay up to date with the latest research and that we only provide you with the best possible evidence based information available.

    Online information will never be a substitute for individual support by a qualified healthcare professional.

    Evidence Based Babies is a supporter of the WHO International Code Of Marketing Of Breastmilk Substitutes (WHO code) and the WHO and UNICEF’S Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative.

    © 2022 Created with Cyber Drive Technologies

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