
Based Babies


Pre-recorded classes


Hi! I’m

Nadine Theunissen

Iโ€™m the CEO and founder of
Evidence Based Babies.

Nadine Theunissen is a Certified Chilbirth Educator (CCBE) and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Nadine has studied multiple fields of child development and has years of in person and virtual experience in supporting parents in childbirth, lactation and general parenting.

“Breastfeeding: where nourishment and love come together in perfect harmony.”
  • Consultations
    We offer virtual one-on-one childbirth education and lactation support consultations and private educational classes. Feel free to email us to book a consultation.
  • Pre recorded classes
    No more uncomfortable in person classes or struggling to make the time for a live online class. We offer pre recorded classes on various topics, so that you can learn in a comfortable environment when you feel up for it.
  • Blog
    A regularly updated blog with highly helpful and evidence based information on various topics on children and parenting. Feel free to subscribe to our website to stay up to date on all the articles posted that week.