- Breastfeeding
- childbirth
- Infants and Children
- Parenting
Exercise and Breastfeeding

After birth, most mothers can’t wait to get back to an active lifestyle, or to lose some......
Responsive feeding

How often should babies, toddlers and children breastfeed? On demand? Every 2-3 hours? 8-12 times pe...
A thank you to the entire breastfeeding community

World breastfeeding week 2023 is also about thanking those who promote, advocate, educate and suppor...
Returning to work when breastfeeding

Before going back to work, it’s important to think about your options, discussing it with your...
The importance of paternity leave when breastfeeding

Dads. Let’s not forget the important role you play in the success of breastfeeding this World ...
Maternity leave and reduced infant mortality rates

Starting World Breastfeeding Week 2023 with an interesting fact. Did you know that longer maternity ...
Abrupt/Cold turkey weaning: Risks and considerations

Breastfeeding is a normal and natural way for mothers to nourish and bond with their babies. However...
What yelling does to a child’s brain

Most of us were raised in a home where yelling at you as a child occurred frequently......
Postpartum Mental Health: From Baby Blues to Postpartum Psychosis

Bringing a new life into the world is such a wonderful and life changing experience. While the......
Breast Refusal: Possible causes and solutions

What is breast refusal? Breast refusal, also known as breastfeeding aversion or nursing strike, is w...
Navigating the different lactation support roles

Breastfeeding is a natural thing for humans to do, it’s not only for optimal nutrition, but al...
Expected weight gain in a breastfed infant

How much weight should a breastfed baby be gaining? The number 1 question and worry in breastfeeding...